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Children’s Cancer Foundation is a Supporting Organisation for the Hong Kong Paediatric Society 50th Anniversary Activities

26 May 2012

The Children’s Cancer Foundation (CCF) is pleased to be a supporting organisation for the Hong Kong Paediatric Society's (HKPS) 50th Anniversary Activities. 


Established in 1962, HKPS is dedicated to facilitating advancement of knowledge in Child Health Care, maintaining high standard of Child Health Care, promoting Child Health through public education and promoting child advocacy and ensuring children's right.  Nowadays, paediatrics is recognised as one of the best established subspecialties with over 500 qualified paediatricians inHong Kong. 


In celebration of its 50th anniversary, HKPS is organising a series of professional and educational activities including an Oration on Child Health 2012, a Special Seminar on the Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics (CEP) in collaboration with the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and a variety of conferences and public seminars on Child Health for primary health care professionals, parents and educators in Hong Kong.


CCF is cordially invited to attend the Special Seminar on the Centre of Excellence in Paediatrics (CEP) and its CEO is invited to share his views on “Patient, Parent and Professional Interfacing for future CEP” in the seminar. 


For more information about HKPS 50th Anniversary Activities, please visit www.medicine.org.hk/hkps/50anniversary/info_objectives.php