Children's Cancer Foundation Over 30 years of caring service
Children's Palliative Care Foundation
Children's Palliative Care Foundation

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About Us

Vision Newsletters

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As part of our lobbying efforts to establish a children’s hospital in Hong Kong, we produced a newsletter ‘THE VISION’ as a way to communicate our hopes and wishes, report on activities, and let important stakeholders – academics, doctors, nurses, health workers, other charities, patients and parents – have their say.


Please click on the buttons below to download issues of The Vision in PDF format.  We hope you will enjoy reading about the journey we undertook towards achieving The Vision.


You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can download here.

The Vision Newsletter – February 2009

HKSAR Government pledges to create new Children's Hospital
With those official words the vision set out for a Children's Specialist Hospital for Hong Kong by the Children's Cancer Foundation in 2003 began to come true......

The Vision Newsletter – June 2007

The Potential to Lead the Region in Treatment and Research
As well as becoming the centre of excellence for paediatric care for Hong Kong, the proposed Children's Specialist Hospital can also play a significant role as a paediatric research centre for the Pearl River Delta region, according to Statistician and Senior Lecturer at the University of Hong Kong, Dr Paul Yip Siu-fai......

The Vision Newsletter – March 2007

Life could be full of Miracles! Simply by putting the right resources in the right place
In 2000, Dr Margaret Chung got the shocking news that her 4-year-old son, Zi-on was diagnosed with congenital heart disease requiring an operation to implant a cardiac pacemaker. This shock, however, was only the start of a life-long battle......

The Vision Newsletter – January 2007

It’s Time!
In 1970, the late civic leader Wilfred S.B. Wong proposed to the Legislative Council that Hong Kong should establish a ‘Government Children's Hospital’......

The Vision Newsletter – October 2006

Aiming for World-Class Standards
There is no doubt that our city's paediatricians are among the finest and most dedicated in the world. But few of the facilities in which they work are designed and built to the same world-class standards......

The Vision Newsletter – September 2006

Welcome to our journey… a convergence of world-class research, clinicians and technology that will change the face of health care for this and future generations...
In 1989, the mother of a child with cancer, together with a group of dedicated doctors, nurses, patents and concerned individuals, sowed the seeds of the Children’s Cancer Foundation……